“Cut!” the director shouted. “That was horrible! Where are the writers? When I said I wanted more non-verbal communication, I wasn't talking about some kind of circus mind reading act! Fix it!” he barked as two disheveled men ran up to him during his fit.
“Sir?” The taller man asked hopelessly before the director could storm completely off the sound stage. “Are we still limiting the number of spoken words for the whole movie?”
“Yes! No leeway. The movie is Two Hundred Words not Two Hundred and Seventy Six Words!” The director completed his tantrum and left.
The men looked at each other sighing deeply in unison. They had spent endless nights trying to tell this sad drama in an hour long screenplay with this ridiculous constraint. “You think he’ll count French words?” the shorter man asked rhetorically.
“We've used up all the words in the finale. How are we supposed to explain that Mark is John’s long lost brother and that he had amnesia after a war injury or he would have been home to help with their dying father?” The taller man complained.
“Oh! We need a head wound.” The shorter man was suddenly excited. “Makeup!!” He yelled.
Entry for Flash Firday #47
200 Words Exactly
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