Thursday, August 22, 2013

Deep Space Hunger

The ship deftly rounded the spinning asteroid sighting the alien cruiser as it attempted to elude
Week 84 Honorable Mention
destruction.  The photon capacitors discharged into space and the fleeing vessel blossomed into oblivion.   The black of space consumed the explosion with a quick snap.

“Nice shooting B9”, squelched the tinny voice over the radio.

“Thanks C7, you keep flushing ‘em out and I’ll take ‘em down.”  He replied performing a nose over and reversing direction in less than a heartbeat avoiding the spreading debris.  “This never gets old.”

“I think that’s the last one for today.” C7 crackled over the comms “My scope shows no enemy signals and Command wants us back at base by 18:00.”

“Do I get a head start?” B9 asked.  “I’d love to get back early and slip into the mess hall.  Shootin’ bugs works up quite a hunger.”

“Oh yeah!” C7 exclaimed, “Mom made cookies this afternoon and their cooling on the counter.  Let's Go!”  C7, Charlie jumped out of his cardboard box ship startling birds out of the pine trees nearby.

“Wait for me!” B7, Billy tumbled out of his chalk covered carton and tore off after his brother leaving their fighter craft idling in deep space.

Entry for #Thursthreads Challenge Week 84
Word count: 200

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the Honorable Mention ThrusThreads!
